Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Reader's Refuge

Fond memories flood my mind, as I reminisce on my childhood as a young and innocent little girl.  I, like other young girls, enjoyed playing with my dolls, forcing my brother to submit to my demands of playing house, and even twirling around in my frilly dresses.  However, a passion for reading books always managed to consume every ounce of my free time.  I loved the weekly trips to our local public library, curling up into my mother or father's lap as they read me the many books that I was so eager to explore, and embracing the aroma that each book so graciously provided.  It was inevitable; I was bound for a lifetime of literary excitement and pleasure.

As a young woman, I seek the adventure of getting lost in novels.  There is something quite euphoric about setting aside the stressors and worries of daily life, while finding a way to make myself feel as though I am one (or many) of the characters within each book that I read.  I am able to fulfill my childhood dreams that I have yet to attain in "real life."  I am the princess who marries her prince charming.  I am the strong and loving wife who is fully appreciated by her husband.  I am the faithful Christian woman and a positive role model to other women, of all ages.  I am the passionate teacher who connects with "the child" that no one else can understand.

Reading relaxes.  
Reading helps me grow.  Spiritually.  Intellectually.  Emotionally.

I have found my refuge.

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